CWR Conference 2023: Schedule

Tuesday, October 10

Registration: 4-6 p.m.

Conference Kickstart: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
For new and returning conference attendees

Welcome Reception Presented by Ascension: 7-9 p.m.
Enjoy a view of the St. Louis skyline from the 20th floor while mingling with fellow conference attendees.

Photo: Stacy Spitler/Jade Meyer

Wednesday, October 11

7:00–7:30 a.m.  Mass

7:15–8:30 a.m.  Breakfast • Exhibitors

8:30–9 a.m.  Welcome • Opening Prayer

9–10:15 a.m.  Keynote: Maryanne Dersch, “Courageous Communication”

10:15–10:35 a.m.  Coffee Break Sponsored by Communicators for St. Louis Sisters • Exhibitors

10:35–11:35 a.m.  Plenary Session: Kelly Latimore, “Art in Communion”

11:35–Noon   CWR Business • Award Presentation #1

• Introduction of current CWR Board and committee members
• Introduction and approval by acclamation of incoming Board members
• Bylaws: Review of proposed changes and approval vote

• CWR Communicator Awards Presentation

Noon–1:15 p.m.  Lunch • Exhibitors

1:15–2:45 p.m.  Plenary Session: Matt Homann,
“Think Together Better: Building Innovation, Collaboration, and Creativity into Every Meeting”

2:45–3 p.m.  Break • Exhibitors

3–3:50 p.m.  Workshops

Communicators Track: Gus Wagner, “#Thumbstoppable”
Collaborators Track:
Maryanne Dersch, “Get to ‘Yes'”
Fundraisers Track:
Heather Kemper, “How to Move Event Attendees to Monthly Donors”

7:30 p.m.  Evening In: A Sweet Night of Comedy Featuring Rob Durham
Enjoy a “night in” of laughs with other conference attendees in Gateway Ballroom AB on the concourse level of the St. Louis Marriott Grand. Coffee and desserts are included with a cash bar available. (Optional: select “Evening In” when registering; Fee: $35).

Thursday, October 12

7:00–7:30 a.m.  Mass

7:15–8:30 a.m.  Breakfast • Exhibitors

8:30–8:45 a.m.  Morning Prayer

8:45–9:45 a.m.  Plenary Session: Ann Garrido,
“#Rules_of_Engagement: Reshaping the Tenor of Christian Conversation on Social Media”

9:45–10:05 a.m.  CWR State of the Organization • Award Presentation #2

10:05–10:30 a.m.  Coffee Break Sponsored by Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help • Exhibitors

10:30–11:20 a.m.  Workshops

Communicators Track: Ian Cabrera, “Video Marketing: The Key to Unlocking Your Community’s Potential”
Collaborators Track:
Sister Patty Johnson, CSJ & Kim Westerman, “Communicating for Our Common Home”
Fundraisers Track:
Lisa Masters & Kaleigh Wagner, “Engaging the Next Generation of Philanthropists presented by CCS Fundraising”

11:20–11:30 a.m.  Mini Break

11:30–11:45 a.m.  CWR Announcements • Award Presentation #3

11:45 a.m.–1:00 p.m.  Lunch • Exhibitors

1–2 p.m.  Plenary Session: Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, “Media Mindfulness”

2–2:20 p.m.  Break • Exhibitors

2:20–3:10 p.m.  Workshops

Communicators Track: Lee Triolo, “Practical Digital Asset Management”
Collaborators Track:
Jenny Beatrice and Sister Amy Hereford, CSJ, “Copyright, Copywrong and Copyjustice in a Virtual World”
Fundraisers Track:
Dawn Miller, “Sharing Your Story using Mission and Metrics”

3:10–3:20 p.m.  Mini Break

3:20–4:00 p.m.  Facilitated Discussion

Friday, October 13

7:15–8:30 a.m.  Breakfast

8:30–8:40 a.m.  Morning Prayer

8:40–9:40 a.m.  Panel: “Collaborating for Mission Success”

Eileen Reilly, SSND • Annmarie Sanders, IHM • Dan Stockman

9:40–10 a.m.  Break

10–10:45 a.m.  Plenary Session: Sister Joanne Gallagher, CSJ, “Spirituality of Communications: Strengthening Your Spiritual Core”

10:45–11 a.m.  Closing Prayer • Announcements