CWR Conference 2023: Member Scholarship

UPDATE: The conference scholarship application period is now closed.
Apply now for a scholarship for this year’s CWR conference, which will be held October 10-13 in St. Louis!
Member scholarships cover conference registration fees and three nights’ lodging at the conference venue, the Marriott St. Louis Grand. Scholarship applications will be accepted through June 30. This scholarship is open to current CWR members.
Applicants must be CWR members in good standing. If you are not a current member, you may join HERE before continuing with the application process. If you have been a recipient of an award, we ask that you not apply for the next two years to give other members a chance. Applicants who have not been granted a scholarship may apply again.
All applicants must include a Letter of Recommendation (500 words or less). The letter should come from the applicant’s supervisor or leadership and address: 1) the applicant’s job responsibilities and professional contributions; 2) indicate the support of the supervisor/leadership with regard to having the applicant attend the conference; and 3) explain the financial need.
All applicants must include an essay (500 words or less) outlining the reason they wish to attend the conference and how it will benefit them both personally and professionally. If actively involved in CWR, please indicate that involvement.
The recipient(s) will receive a complimentary full conference registration and three nights’ lodging. No reimbursement of any other expenses will be provided.
Scholarship applications are anonymously reviewed and scored, with the determination approved by CWR’s executive team and Board of Directors.
Scholarship recipients are not obligated to reveal they have received a scholarship and are not required to perform promotional or any other work in exchange for receiving the scholarship.
For questions or more information: information@c4wr.org
Photo: Stacy Spitler/Jade Meyer