PBS recently announced that “The Mayo Clinic: Faith, Hope, Science,” a new two-hour documentary by Ken Burns, will air on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 9 p.m. Eastern/8 p.m. Central. The film tells the story of how Dr. W.W. Mayo, along with his sons and the Sisters...
The CWR Board looks forward to welcoming four new members in January 2019. There will be a vote (by acclamation) to elect the following at the business meeting Wednesday, Oct. 3 at the conference in Fort Worth, Texas: Robert Cogswell, Sister Joanne Gallagher, CSJ;...
Dear CWR Friends, In the interest of keeping you informed, the Communicators for Women Religious Board of Directors shares highlights of our monthly meetings. The Board met in person at Siena Retreat Center in Racine, Wisconsin, May 14–18. Jane Strittmatter prepared...
CWR is offering up to four conference scholarships for this year’s conference Oct. 2–5 at the Sheraton Fort Worth Downtown in Fort Worth, Texas. CWR members in good standing are encouraged to apply. The deadline for applications has been extended to June 30. What is...