In 2017 the Communicators for Women Religious (CWR) were invited to join with the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) and MultiMedia International (MMI) to create a handbook on communication for institutes of women religious. The goal of the project was to produce a practical guide for the ministry of communication as it exists in the unique context of religious life.
Communicating the Mission Globally: Communications Manual for Institutes of Women Religious is the product of many months of work writing, editing, and translating essays from communicators around the globe. As the introduction explains,
The handbook aims to offer a description of the key role of Communication in Religious Life, providing a set of applications, programs and platforms to facilitate the task of the Communicators. What we suggest is something that we have experienced and touched with our hands.
As we meet communicators for religious life, we notice that we all face similar challenges, ask the same questions, live similar failures, and celebrate parallel successes. This Handbook aims to support our work, offer concrete examples to solve problems, and guide us to be more effective in the ministry of communication.
The project was funded in part by a grant from the United States Embassy to the Holy See, and as such was originally published in Italian in Spring of 2018. We are pleased that the document has now been translated into English to reach a wider audience.
The editors hope that you will find this information useful in your ministry. Please view, download and share the handbook via the link below:
Handbook on Communication – ENGLISH