The CWR Board of Directors met via videoconference on May 23. In the interest of keeping members informed, we present highlights from that meeting:
Following the recent launch of the second cohort of the Strategic Communications Certificate presented by CWR Academy, Director of Membership and Communication Brian Lavelle noted that registrations for this year’s program equaled last year’s inaugural cohort.
The Board reviewed its ongoing discussions with another entity regarding potential future partnership. It is expected that further details of those discussions will be shared with CWR members in the near future.
Treasurer Mark Piper updated the Board on the executive team’s plans to secure an additional CWR debit card for the treasurer. At the time of the meeting Brian Lavelle held the organization’s lone debit card.
Membership Committee Chairs Carrie Higginbotham and Gina Sullivan finalized plans for the committee to create a new CWR membership infographic.
The Board next meets on June 27.
CWR 2024 Board of Directors
Dusty Krikau, Chair
Angela Szczawinska, CSFN, Vice Chair
Mark Piper, Treasurer
Amanda Hackett, Corporate Secretary
Kim Westerman, Immediate Past Chair
Maureen Falcon
Margaret Haik
Carrie Higginbotham
Redmond Reilly
Stacy Spitler
Marie Stuart, RSM
Gina Sullivan
CWR Staff
Brian Lavelle, Director of Membership and Communication