The CWR Board of Directors met via videoconference on Thursday, February 11. In the interest of keeping members informed, we present highlights from that meeting:

Tricia Buxton led the opening prayer, which included a quotation from Thomas Merton’s Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander.

In her Executive Committee report, Board Chair Jane Strittmatter noted that CWR Executive Director Ginny Hizer is currently serving as Chair of the CWR Sponsorship and Development Committee. Jane also requested Board feedback on the Executive Director six-month performance review.

Executive Director Ginny Hizer outlined plans for CWR collaboration with the International Union of Superiors General.

Treasurer Jean Merry informed the Board that all materials requested by Eder, Casella & Co. for CWR’s annual audit have been provided.

In her role as Conference Scholarship Committee Chair, Jane Strittmatter reported that scholarships for the 2021 CWR Annual Conference, which will be held October 5-8 in Memphis, will cover conference fees and lodging.

Education Committee Chair Rob Cogswell noted that a CWR Flash Conversation on Catholic Sisters Week planning would be held on February 19.

The Membership Categories and Criteria Task Group, chaired by Tammy Townsend Denny, will revise CWR membership category descriptions, and present the proposed revised language to the Board.

Joanne Gallagher, CSJ, shared the Nominating Committee’s plans for seeking new Board nominees for 2022 and requested current Board members provide suggestions for potential nominees.

CWR Ireland Chair Patricia Lenihan, RSC, requested the Board’s prayers in advance of the February 20 CWR Ireland Conference session.


CWR 2021 Board of Directors

Jane Strittmatter, Chair

Kim Westerman, Vice Chair

Jean Merry, Treasurer

Tammy Townsend Denny, Corporate Secretary

Tricia Buxton

Robert Cogswell

Joanne Gallagher, CSJ

Spalding Hurst

Maxine Kollasch, IHM

Patricia Lenihan, RSC

Stéphanie Manseau

Linda Romey, OSB


CWR Staff

Ginny Hizer, Executive Director

Michelle Izguerra, Business Operations Manager

Brian Lavelle, Communication & Membership Manager