The CWR Board of Directors met via videoconference on May 25. In the interest of keeping members informed, we present highlights from that meeting:
Stacy Spitler shared an opening reflection featuring a Pentecost Prayers of the Faithful video presentation.
Board Chair Kim Westerman noted that CWR’s annual grant report to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation is due at the end of June and that the executive team would advise Board members on how they might assist in the preparation of that report.
Kim also reported that the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) hosted a May 24 online session for members of congregational leadership on the importance of communication and that CWR member Sr. Patricia Lenihan was among the presenters.
At the request of UISG, the Board selected two CWR resources – a webinar, The Things You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know: Working Alongside Catholic Sisters, and a pamphlet, 10 Messages for Leadership & Communicators – that UISG will share via its website.
Board members agreed to review suggested changes to both CWR Bylaws and the CWR Employee Handbook and vote on both sets of changes by electronic ballot the week of May 29.
Director of Membership and Communication Brian Lavelle updated the Board on participation in the May 23 CWR webinar (The Pros and Cons of Giving Days) and on registration ahead of the June 28 webinar to be held in collaboration with Archivists for Congregations of Women Religious (ACWR), Breaking Down Silos: Archivists and Communicators Sharing the Story of Women Religious.
In her role as Conference 2023 Committee liaison, Kim reported on the conference venue walkthrough that she, committee chairs Laurie Lindauer and Redmond Reilly, former Director of Business Operations Michelle Izguerra, and Brian conducted at the Marriott St. Louis Grand (pictured) on May 8.
Education Committee Co-chair Amanda Hackett shared that the Strategic Communications Certificate presented by CWR Academy has been launched and that the program’s first live session – held on May 17 – met with positive feedback from participants. Amanda and Co-chair Dusty Krikau were thanked by the Board for their work in launching the program.
2024 Conference Committee Chair Caelie Haines informed the Board of the committee’s plans to seek additional members.
Sr. Marie Stuart extended thanks to all who assisted in preparations for April’s CWR Ireland Conference and noted that significant excitement surrounded the conference as it was held in person after CWR Ireland’s first two conferences were held virtually.
The Board will next meet on June 22 via videoconference.
CWR 2023 Board of Directors
Kim Westerman, Chair
Siobhan O’Neill Meluso, Vice Chair
Tammy Townsend Denny, Treasurer
Alison Lucci, Corporate Secretary
Amanda Hackett
Caelie Haines
Dusty Krikau
Stacy Spitler
Marie Stuart, RSM
Gina Sullivan
CWR Staff
Brian Lavelle, Director of Membership and Communication