The CWR Board of Directors met via videoconference on Thursday, November 11. In the interest of keeping members informed, we present highlights from that gathering:

The current CWR Board was joined at the meeting by incoming 2022 Board members Dusty Krikau; Alison Lucci; Elena Miranda; Beth Murphy, OP; Stacy Spitler and Gina Sullivan.

CWR Executive Director Ginny Hizer led the opening prayer, which included reflections on Matthew 5:15 and Acts 13:47.

The Board finalized plans to hold its January 2022 meeting in Chicago.

Treasurer Jean Merry informed the Board that CWR’s Small Business Administration Payday Protection Program loan has been forgiven.

Rob Cogswell updated the Board on the launch of CWR’s new member initiative and, in his role as Education Committee chair, outlined plans for upcoming webinars originally scheduled to be presented as workshops at last month’s CWR conference.

Conference 2021 Planning Committee Chair Kim Westerman reported on conference evaluation survey responses.

The Board will next meet, again via videoconference, on December 9.


CWR 2021 Board of Directors

Jane Strittmatter, Chair

Kim Westerman, Vice Chair

Jean Merry, Treasurer

Tammy Townsend Denny, Corporate Secretary

Tricia Buxton

Robert Cogswell

Joanne Gallagher, CSJ

Spalding Hurst

Maxine Kollasch, IHM

Patricia Lenihan, RSC

Stéphanie Manseau

Siobhan O’Neill Meluso


CWR Staff

Ginny Hizer, Executive Director

Michelle Izguerra, Business Operations Manager

Brian Lavelle, Communication & Membership Manager