On March 23, the CWR Board of Directors convened via videoconference for its second meeting of 2023. In the interest of keeping members informed, we present highlights from that meeting:

Amanda Hackett led the meeting’s opening reflection – A Prayer for the Feast of St. Benedict (March 21).

Treasurer Tammy Townsend Denny reported on the CWR executive team’s March 20 meeting with representatives of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Catholic Sisters Initiative and noted that the executive team plans to submit a new grant request letter to the foundation.

Chair Kim Westerman informed the Board of CWR’s Hilton Foundation grant reporting schedule. An annual grant report will be submitted in June of this year. A report on the full term of CWR’s current Hilton Foundation grant will be submitted in February 2024.

New staff position descriptions and titles were approved for Michelle Izguerra (Director of Operations) and Brian Lavelle (Director of Membership and Communication).

The Board also approved an addition to CWR Policies and Procedures stipulating that email will be used when first sharing written items to be reviewed by Board members outside of Board meetings.

Brian Lavelle detailed impending announcements of the opening of registration for the new Strategic Communications Certificate presented by CWR Academy and the start of the entry period for the 2023 CWR Communicator Awards.

Michelle Izguerra updated the Board on operational planning for October’s CWR Conference in St. Louis, including plans to schedule a venue walkthrough for CWR staff and conference planning committee chairs.

Education Committee Co-Chairs Amanda Hackett and Dusty Krikau summarized plans for the launch of the Strategic Communications Certificate program.

In her role as Conference 2023 Planning Committee liaison, Kim Westerman informed the Board of that committee’s plans to collaborate with the CWR Marketing Committee on conference marketing efforts.

The Board will next meet on April 27 via videoconference.


CWR 2023 Board of Directors

Kim Westerman, Chair

Siobhan O’Neill Meluso, Vice Chair

Tammy Townsend Denny, Treasurer

Alison Lucci, Corporate Secretary

Amanda Hackett

Caelie Haines

Dusty Krikau

Stacy Spitler

Marie Stuart, RSM

Gina Sullivan


CWR Staff

Michelle Izguerra, Director of Operations

Brian Lavelle, Director of Membership and Communication