The CWR Board of Directors met in Mesa, Arizona, on Monday, September 30. In the interest of keeping CWR members informed, we present highlights from the Board meeting:
Board Vice Chair Jennifer Brandlon led the meeting’s opening prayer.
During her Executive Committee report, Chair Kathy Gatliff outlined the agenda for the annual business meeting to be held October 3 at the CWR conference in Mesa, Arizona.
The Board voted to accept the 2018 CWR audit draft findings during Jean Merry’s finance report.
Executive Director Nick Schafer updated the Board on plans for CWR’s Conrad N. Hilton Foundation grant application.
Membership Committee Chair Tammy Townsend Denny joined the Board meeting to present that committee’s report, during which she detailed the committee’s plans for welcoming new members and first-time attendees to conference.
2019 Conference Committee Co-Chair Stephanie Manseau addressed final conference planning details. Upon the conclusion of the meeting proper, the Board gathered for a walkthrough of the conference venue.
Plans for 25th anniversary celebrations during the conference welcome reception were laid out by 25th Anniversary Committee Chair Cecilia Rupell.
Conference Development Committee Chair Kim Westerman reported on both 2019 exhibitors and sponsors and plans for 2020 conference development efforts.
Plans for the World Café conference session were reviewed during Education Committee Chair Jennifer Brandlon’s report.
Rob Cogswell presented the plan for the October 2 announcement of the site for Conference 2020.
Conference Scholarship Committee Chair Jane Strittmatter reported the awarding of four “traditional” scholarships for Conference 2019 while International Outreach Committee Chair Angela Szczawinska, CSFN, noted the awarding of two newly-instituted international “come-and-see” scholarships.
Maxine Kollasch, IHM, informed the Board of the next step for the Cycling with Sisters Committee: recruitment of new committee members.
Patricia Lenihan, RSC, looked ahead to the CWR Ireland member training program scheduled for October 19-20.
Marketing Committee Chair Spalding Hurst recapped audiovisual and social media plans for conference.
Cecilia Rupell (Chair), Jane Strittmatter (Vice Chair), Jean Merry (Treasurer) and Kim Westerman (Corporate Secretary) were voted to the 2020 Board Executive Committee.
Before concluding its meeting, the Board approved a motion to officially thank outgoing Board members Kathy Gatliff, Stephanie Hall and Angela Szczawinska, CSFN.
The Board will next meet November 12 via videoconference.
CWR 2019 Board of Directors
Kathy Gatliff, Chair
Jennifer Brandlon, Vice Chair
Jean Merry, Treasurer
Cecilia Rupell, Secretary
Robert Cogswell
Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Stephanie Hall
Spalding Hurst
Maxine Kollasch, IHM
Patricia Lenihan, RSC
Stephanie Manseau
Janice Parrott
Jane Strittmatter
Angela Szczawinska, CSFN
Kim Westerman
CWR Staff
Michelle Izguerra, Office Administrator
Brian Lavelle, Communication & Membership Manager
Nick Schafer, Executive Director