The CWR Board of Directors met via videoconference on Tuesday, November 12. In the interest of keeping CWR members informed, we present highlights from the Board meeting:
Rob Cogswell led an opening prayer adapted from the 100 Days of Prayer initiative created by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange.
Chair Jennifer Brandlon opened the Executive Committee report by joining with the Board as a whole in welcoming new Interim Executive Director Kathy Gatliff.* The Executive Committee report also saw the Board discuss CWR’s permanent Executive Director search, the 2020 Board meeting schedule and 2020 Board member orientation.
During her Executive Director report, Kathy Gatliff updated the board on her transition to her new role, CWR’s Conrad N. Hilton Foundation grant application preparation and plans for Catholic Sisters Week 2020.
Treasurer Jean Merry reviewed and facilitated discussion of the proposed 2020 CWR budget. The Board voted unanimously to accept the budget as presented during Jean’s finance report.
While providing the Nominating Committee report, Joanne Gallagher, CSJ, noted that the Board terms of herself, Rob Cogswell and Kim Westerman would be up for renewal in 2020.
Membership Committee Chair Tammy Townsend Denny joined the meeting to update the Board on the well-received new member orientation session held last month at the 2019 CWR conference and the committee’s plans for member outreach in 2020.
After Conference 2019 Committee Co-Chair Stephanie Manseau delivered an overview of conference evaluation results, Rob Cogswell outlined scheduling plans for Conference 2020.
The Board will next meet December 10 via videoconference.
*- Kathy Gatliff stepped down from the Board in October before being appointed Interim Executive Director. Jennifer Brandlon will serve as Board Chair for the remainder of the term, through the end of 2019.
CWR 2019 Board of Directors
Jennifer Brandlon, Chair
Jean Merry, Treasurer
Cecilia Rupell, Secretary
Robert Cogswell
Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Stephanie Hall
Spalding Hurst
Maxine Kollasch, IHM
Patricia Lenihan, RSC
Stephanie Manseau
Janice Parrott
Jane Strittmatter
Angela Szczawinska, CSFN
Kim Westerman
CWR Staff
Kathy Gatliff, Interim Executive Director
Michelle Izguerra, Business Operations Manager
Brian Lavelle, Communication & Membership Manager