CWR Executive Director Ginny Hizer led the opening prayer, which included verses from Psalm 90 and Paul’s letter to the Colossians.
Board Chair Cecilia Rupell reviewed plans for post-conference CWR Academy webinars, the content and scheduling of which will be determined by the CWR Education Committee.
The Board approved CWR Bylaw change recommendations to be presented to CWR membership for approval via electronic vote.
In addition, the Board approved the merger of CWR’s Development and Sponsorship Committees for 2021.
Ginny Hizer also recapped her activities since taking on the role of Executive Director in August, including her collaboration with CWR staff and committees.
Treasurer Jean Merry updated the Board on her 2021 budget preparation meetings with committee Chairs.
Linda Romey, OSB, detailed the start of the CWR Catholic Sisters Week Task Group’s collaboration with Global Sisters Report.
Conference 2020 Chair Rob Cogswell summarized final preparations for CWR’s September 30 mini-conference and the October 1 Annual CWR Business Meeting, including content and online logistics planning.
Stéphanie Manseau provided an overview of the honorary membership program proposed by the International Outreach Committee.
Membership Committee Chair Tammy Townsend Denny presented insights gleaned from the 2020 CWR membership satisfaction survey, including member interest in more specialized and/or advanced content in CWR webinars and conference programming.
The Board will next meet on Thursday, October 8 via video conference.
CWR 2020 Board of Directors
Cecilia Rupell, Chair
Jane Strittmatter, Vice Chair
Jean Merry, Treasurer
Kim Westerman, Secretary
Jennifer Brandlon
Tricia Buxton
Robert Cogswell
Tammy Townsend Denny
Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Spalding Hurst
Maxine Kollasch, IHM
Patricia Lenihan, RSC
Stéphanie Manseau
Linda Romey, OSB
CWR Staff
Ginny Hizer, Executive Director
Michelle Izguerra, Business Operations Manager
Brian Lavelle, Communication & Membership Manager