The CWR Board of Directors held its second meeting of 2019 via videoconference on Tuesday, February 26. In the interest of keeping CWR members informed, we present highlights from the Board meeting:
Jennifer Brandlon led the meeting’s opening prayer.
After the January Board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved, CWR Board Chair Kathy Gatliff provided the executive team report. Kathy also followed up the strategic planning work done at the January Board meeting by leading a discussion of the next steps to be taken in that process.
The Board accepted new reporting procedures for the Executive Director proposed by Nick Schafer. As part of his Executive Director’s report, Nick also delivered updates on the Leadership Conference of Women Religious’ emergent planning process and the creation of a CWR crisis communication task group.
Treasurer Jean Merry brought the CWR finance report to the Board and noted the selection of ADP to provide the CWR employee retirement plan.
Committee Reports began with Cecilia Rupell’s presentation on behalf of the 25th Anniversary Committee, which will collaborate with the Marketing Committee in launching a social media campaign to promote CWR’s 25th anniversary.
Stephanie Manseau reported on the 2019 Conference Committee. With the schedule of speakers nearing completion, the committee’s next step is the selection of outings to be made available to attendees. Once outings are finalized, the process of creating the conference brochure will begin.
Kim Westerman’s Conference Development Committee report outlined proposed changes to conference sponsorship packages.
The Board approved Jane Strittmatter’s proposal that the Conference Scholarship Committee accept only one scholarship application from each congregation represented in the CWR membership.
Rob Cogswell reported that the 2020 Conference Committee has begun operation and has scheduled its first meeting for March 14.
Jennifer Brandlon informed the Board that the Education Committee will hold the first of a series of CWR Academy webinars on April 24.
In his Marketing Committee report, Spalding Hurst detailed the committee’s focus on promoting the value of CWR membership in a set of new marketing initiatives.
Russ Mancl noted the Membership Committee’s plans for new member outreach.
Sister Joanne Gallagher, C.S.J., requested that committee Chairs suggest potential candidates for Board membership prior to the Nominating Committee’s next meeting.
Sister Patricia Lenihan, R.S.C., summarized CWR Ireland’s efforts to establish and expand links with communicators in England, Wales and Australia.
While providing an update from the Site Selection Committee, Kathy Gatliff presented the cities currently under consideration for CWR’s 2021 conference.
A report from the Cycling with Sisters Committee was submitted but was not reviewed in its entirety as the Chair, Sister Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M., was not present for discussion.
No reports were made by the Development Committee and the International Outreach Committee. Reports from those committees will be provided at the next Board meeting.
When the Board turned to new business a task group was formed to investigate the possibility of introducing an annual awards program; detailed 2019 travel opportunities and plans were presented; and the requirements for associate membership were discussed and it was decided the Membership Committee would review the topic in more detail when it meets next week.
The next Board meeting will be held via videoconference on April 9.
CWR 2019 Board of Directors
Kathy Gatliff, Chair
Jennifer Brandlon, Vice Chair
Jean Merry, Treasurer
Cecilia Rupell, Secretary
Robert Cogswell
Joanne Gallagher, C.S.J.
Stephanie Hall
Spalding Hurst
Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M.
Patricia Lenihan, R.S.C.
Russ Mancl
Stephanie Manseau
Janice Parrott
Jane Strittmatter
Angela Szczawinska, C.S.F.N.
Kim Westerman
CWR Staff
Michelle Izguerra, Office Administrator
Brian Lavelle, Communication & Membership Manager
Nick Schafer, Executive Director