The July 13 CWR/UISG webinar focused on the role of social media in communicating the mission and ministries of women religious in an ever-evolving digital landscape. During this session, panelists well versed in a variety of platforms share best practices, provide guidance for planning successful social media campaigns, address challenges social media poses for congregations, and offer other helpful tips.

The recording of this session will be available on the UISG YouTube channel:

UISG International Union Superiors General – YouTube

This session is the latest in a series of webinars presented by CWR in collaboration with the International Union of Superiors General. UISG is a worldwide, canonically approved organization of superiors general of institutes of Catholic women religious. Based in Rome, UISG offers regular programs, meetings and publications to assist members in their development as leaders of religious congregations.

Orianne Dyck, FSP – Social Media Coordinator, Daughters of St. Paul – Province of the United States and Canada (Boston, MA) | Presentation Takeaway
Laura Mor i Iriarte – Director, Portal Catalunya Religió (Barcelona, Spain) | Presentation (Español)
Elizabeth Powers – Electronic Communications Manager, Congregation of St. Joseph (Cleveland, OH) | Presentation

Rob Cogswell – Director of Communications, Sisters of St Joseph of Orange (Orange, CA)
Patrizia Morgante – Communication Officer, UISG (Rome, Italy)